Mobile Credential Verifier
The entry point for the MobileCredentialVerifier SDK.
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Add a trusted issuer certificate to storage.
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suspend fun createProximityPresentationSession(activity: Activity, encodedDeviceEngagementString: String, onSessionTerminated: ProximityPresentationSession.OnSessionTerminated? = null): ProximityPresentationSession
Create a proximity based presentation session with a mobile credential holder using ISO 18013-5 based DeviceRetrieval.
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Delete a trusted issuer certificate from storage.
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Get the current proximity presentation session.
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Retrieve all trusted issuer certificates from storage.
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Get current revocation status lists cache information without updating the status lists.
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Initialise the MobileCredentialVerifier SDK.
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Validates the supplied string is a valid QR code based on device engagement structure (as per section of ISO 18013-5).
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Update trusted issuer status lists.