Closes the wallet
A promise that resolves to a Result containing void on ok or a CloseWalletError on error
Wallet instance will not function anymore after close
Namespace for credential operations
Namespace for compact credential operations
Attempts to verify a Compact credential
VerifyCompactCredentialOptions containing a Compact credential to verify
A promise that resolves to a VerifyCompactCredentialResult on ok or a VerifyCompactCredentialError on error
Namespace for compact semantic credential operations
Attempts to verify a Compact Semantic credential
VerifyCompactSemanticCredentialOptions containing a Compact Semantic credential to verify
Namespace for mobile credential operations
Add a trusted issuer certificate to storage.
Issuer certificates are used to verify mobile credentials when added storage. This function validates the certificate in accordance with the IACA profile defined in 18013-5 with the additional constraint of requiring the certificate to be self signed. The operation is idempotent meaning repeated calls to add the same issuer certificates do not result in duplicates instead the id's of the existing certificates as stored by the SDK are returned.
the list of trusted issuer certificates in pem encoded string format
A promise that resolves to an array of IDs for the added certificates on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Add a trusted verifier certificate to storage.
Verifier certificates are used to verify the authorization request object fetched from the request uri as part of the OID4VP mdoc retrieval flow specified in Annex B of 18013-7. The function is idempotent, meaning repeated calls to add the same verifier certificates do not result in duplicates. Instead, the ids of the existing certificates stored by the SDK are returned.
the list of trusted verifier certificates in pem encoded string format
A promise that resolves to an array of IDs for the added certificates on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Create an online presentation session compliant with the ISO 18013-7 and OpenID4VP.
A promise that resolves to a OnlinePresentationSession on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Create a proximity based presentation session with a mobile credential verifier using ISO 18013-5 based DeviceRetrieval.
CreateProximityPresentationSessionOptions containing a callback function for each event
A promise that resolves to a ProximityPresentationSession on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Delete a mobile credential from storage by id
A promise that resolves to void
Delete a trusted issuer certificate from storage.
This operation is idempotent, meaning calls to this function for issuer certificates that do not exist will not return an error.
the ID of trusted issuer certificates to delete
A promise that resolves to void on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Delete a trusted verifier certificate from storage.
This operation is idempotent, meaning calls to this function for verifier certificates that do not exist will not return an error.
the ID of trusted verifier certificates to delete
A promise that resolves to void
Get mobile credential from storage by id
the credential id
options: GetCredentialOptionsA promise that resolves to a MobileCredential on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Get all mobile credentials from storage
options: GetCredentialsOptionsA promise that resolves to an array of MobileCredentialMetadata
Get the current proximity presentation session.
A promise that resolves to a ProximityPresentationSession or undefined if there is no active presentation session
Retrieve all trusted issuer certificates from storage.
A promise that resolves to an array of TrustedIssuerCertificate
Retrieve all trusted verifier certificates from storage.
A promise that resolves to an array of TrustedVerifierCertificate
Use the referenced mobile credentials to construct and send a response to the current request from the verifier.
SendProximityPresentationSessionOptions containing a list of mobile credential IDs
A promise that resolves to void on ok or MobileCredentialHolderError on error
Terminate a proximity based presentation session with a mobile credential verifier using ISO 18013-5 based DeviceRetrieval.
A promise that resolves to void
Namespace for web semantic credential operations
Create a Web Semantic verifiable presentation
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a VerifiablePresentation on ok or a CreateWebSemanticPresentationErrors on error
Derives a Web Semantic credential based on a frame
DeriveWebSemanticCredentialOptions containing the credential to derive and the frame
A promise that resolves to a Result containing the derived VerifiableCredential on ok or a DeriveWebSemanticCredentialError on error
Expands a verifiable Web Semantic credential using jsonld
Filters a list of Web Semantic credentials based on a query
FilterWebSemanticCredentialsByQueryOptions containing the credentials and filter
A promise that resolves to a FilterWebSemanticCredentialsByQueryResponse containing the credentials that match the filter on ok or a FilterWebSemanticCredentialsByQueryError on error
Determines if a Web Semantic credential is capable of selective disclosure
The credential to check
A boolean representing if the credential is capable of selective disclosure
Sends a Web Semantic presentation response
A promise that resolves to a Result containing void on ok or a BaseError with type SendWebSemanticPresentationResponseErrorType on error
Attempts to verify a Web Semantic credential
VerifyWebSemanticCredentialOptions containing a credential to verify
Namespace for DID operations
Create a new DID in the wallet
A promise that resolves to a Result containing CreateDidResponse on ok or a CreateDidError on error
Delete an existing DID in the wallet
The DID to delete from the wallet
A promise that resolves to void on ok or a DeleteDidError on error
List all DIDs created within the wallet
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a list of DIDs on ok or a GetDidsError on error
Namespace for messaging operations
Encrypts a message
EncryptOptions for encrypting the message
A promise that resolves to a Result containing JweJsonSerialization on ok or an error with type EncryptErrorType on error
Opens a DIDComm message
The message to open
A promise that resolves to a Result containing Jwm on ok or a OpenDidCommError, VerifyError or a DecryptError on error
Resolves a DIDComm URI into an object
The URI to resolve
A promise that resolves to a Result containing the decoded message on ok or a ResolveDidCommUriErrorType on error
Signs a message
The message payload to sign
The DID of the sender used for signing
A promise that resolves to a Result containing Jwm on ok or a OpenDidCommError, VerifyError or a DecryptError on error
Resolves any DID into a DID document and the local metadata
The DID to resolve
Resolves to a Result containing a list of DIDs on ok or a GetDidsError on error
Namespace for wellknown configuration operations
Validates a DID belongs to a domain
The domain to check has authority of a DID
The DID to check belongs to a domain
A boolean representing if the DID belongs to a domain
Validates multiple DIDs belong to a domain
The domain to check has authority of a DID
The DIDs to check belong to a domain
A promise that resolves to a list of validation results DidConfigurationValidateResult, corresponding to each did.
Namespace for ecosystem operations
Indicates if the wallet is open
Namespace for linked data operations
Namespace for cborld conversion operations
Decode CBOR-LD bytes intoto JSON-LD document
The CBOR-LD bytes
A ResultAsync containing the decoded object on ok or a InvalidCborldDecodeError on error
Encode a JSON-LD document into CBOR-LD bytes
The JSON-LD document
A ResultAsync containing the decoded cborld bytes on ok or a InvalidCborldEncodeError on error
Namespace for OIDC operations
Discover credential offer from OIDC's wellknown configuration endpoint
The URI of the OIDC credential issuer example: openid://discovery?issuer=
Generates an authorization URL
A promise that resolves to a Result containing the GenerateAuthorizeResult on ok or a InvalidDidError or SignError on error
Retrieves a credential from the OIDC provider
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a RetrieveCredentialResult on ok or a RetrieveCredentialError, InvalidIdTokenError or CredentialNotFoundInTokenError on error
Namespace for openid operations
Namespace for openid issuance operations
Discover credential offer
The URI of the Openid4vci credential offer endpoint, example: openid-credential-offer://?credential_offer=URLEncoded({ credential_issuer, credentials: [{credentialId}], request_parameters? })
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a OpenidIssuanceDiscoverResult on ok or an error with DiscoverErrorType
Generates an authorization URL
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a OpenidIssuanceGenerateAuthorizeResult on ok or an error with GenerateAuthorizeUrlErrorType
Retrieves credential from the openid issuance provider
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a OpenidIssuanceRetrieveCredentialsResult on ok or an error with RetrieveCredentialsErrorType
Retrieves token from the openid issuance provider
A promise that resolves to a Result containing a OpenidIssuanceRetrieveTokenResult on ok or an error with RetrieveTokenErrorType
Generated using TypeDoc
An instance of a wallet