
class MobileCredentialHolder : SdkLifecycle

The entry point for the MobileCredentialHolder SDK.


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object Companion


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val initialised: Boolean


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fun addCredential(credential: String, deviceKeyId: String): String

Add a mobile credential to storage.

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fun addTrustedIssuerCertificates(certificates: List<String>): List<String>

Add a trusted issuer certificate to storage.

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fun addTrustedVerifierCertificates(certificates: List<String>): List<String>

Add trusted verifier certificates to storage.

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fun createOnlinePresentationSession(authorisationRequestUri: String, requireTrustedVerifier: Boolean = false): OnlinePresentationSession

Create an online presentation session compliant with the ISO 18013-7 and OpenID4VP.

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suspend fun createProximityPresentationSession(activity: Activity, authenticationOption: AuthenticationOption = AuthenticationOption.Signature, bleMode: BleMode = BleMode.MDocClientCentral, onRequestReceived: ProximityPresentationSession.OnRequestReceived, onConnected: ProximityPresentationSession.OnConnected? = null, onSessionTerminated: ProximityPresentationSession.OnSessionTerminated? = null): ProximityPresentationSession

Create a proximity based presentation session with a mobile credential verifier using the ISO 18013-5 based DeviceRetrieval.

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suspend fun deinitialise()

Deinitialise the MobileCredentialHolder SDK.

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fun deleteCredential(id: String)

Deletes a mobile credential from storage.

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fun deleteTrustedIssuerCertificate(certificateId: String)

Delete a trusted issuer certificate from storage.

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fun deleteTrustedVerifierCertificate(certificateId: String)

Delete a trusted verifier certificate from storage.

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suspend fun destroy(context: Context, instanceId: String = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID)

Destroys an instance of the SDK.

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Discover a credential offer.

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suspend fun generateDeviceKey(activity: Activity, popOptions: DeviceKeyPopOptions? = null): GeneratedDeviceKeyResult

Generate a device key for provisioning a new mobile credential.

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fun getCredential(id: String, skipStatusCheck: Boolean = false): MobileCredential

Retrieve a specific mobile credential by id from storage.

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fun getCredentials(skipStatusCheck: Boolean = false): List<MobileCredentialMetaData>

Retrieve all mobile credentials from storage.

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Get the current proximity presentation session.

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fun getLog(): String?

Close and return the full address of the current log file.

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Retrieve all trusted issuer certificates from storage.

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Retrieve all trusted verifier certificates from storage.

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suspend fun initialise(activity: Activity, instanceId: String = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID, userAuthRequiredOnInitialise: Boolean = true, loggerConfiguration: Logger.LoggerConfiguration? = null)

Initialise the MobileCredentialHolder SDK. The MobileCredentialHolder class is a singleton which can only be initialised with one instanceId at a time. After this initialise method has been called, all subsequent method calls in this class, such as [getTrustedIssuerCertificates], will return a result unique to the specified instanceId.

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suspend fun retrieveCredentials(activity: Activity, credentialOffer: DiscoveredCredentialOffer, clientId: String, redirectUri: String, autoTrustMobileCredentialIaca: Boolean = false): List<RetrieveCredentialResult>

Retrieve credentials from a credential offer according to the authorization process defined by OIDC4VCI - Authorization code flow