InitOptions: {
    assertValidFrom?: boolean;
    assertValidUntil?: boolean;
    checkRevocation?: boolean;
    ecosystem?: {
        url?: string;
    extensions?: readonly (MobileCredentialVerifier | EcosystemService)[];
    issuerCacheTtl: number;
    revocationListCacheTtl: number;
    trustedIssuers?: ReadonlyArray<string>;

Options to configure when initialising a verifier:

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly assertValidFrom?: boolean

    Set whether to check the credential's not before date during verification. If true, verification will fail if the credential is not active (ValidFrom is in the future).


    Valid from date is the date a credential becomes valid. Defaults to true.

  • Optional Readonly assertValidUntil?: boolean

    Set whether to check the credential's expiry date during verification. If true, verification will fail if the credential has expired (ValidUntil is in the past).


    Defaults to true.

  • Optional Readonly checkRevocation?: boolean

    Set whether to check the credential's revocation status during verification. If true, verification will fail if the credential has been revoked.


    Revocation status represents the validity of the credential as determined by the issuer. Defaults to true.

  • Optional Readonly ecosystem?: {
        url?: string;

    Configurations for Ecosystem operations.

    • Optional Readonly url?: string
  • Optional Readonly extensions?: readonly (MobileCredentialVerifier | EcosystemService)[]

    A list of extension modules to enable additional features.

  • Readonly issuerCacheTtl: number

    Duration that an issuer is kept in the cache after it is added or re-added.

  • Readonly revocationListCacheTtl: number

    Duration that a revocation list is kept in the cache after it is added or re-added.

  • Optional Readonly trustedIssuers?: ReadonlyArray<string>

    List of issuers we want to trust the credentials of.


    Issuers defined here are cached up front. If this is empty, all issuers will be considered trusted.

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